There are intrinsic and extrinsic values in constitution procedure. 宪法程序既有外在价值又有内在价值。
The perfection of intrinsic value of criminal procedure rights in criminal litigation law is an urgent task in the legal construction of modernization. 对我国现行刑事诉讼法中刑事程序性权利内在价值的缺失与薄弱环节的完善,是今后现代化法治建设的紧迫任务。
Criminal system designated jurisdiction is essentially a change initiated by the public power governing system and a means to resolve jurisdictional disputes, which not only contains the intrinsic value of procedure like procedural justice, also contains a procedure for such litigation efficiency Extrinsic value. 从本质上来说,指定管辖制度是一种由公权力启动的解决管辖争议的手段,其蕴含着程序正义与诉讼效率两方面的价值目标。
The justice of law is the intrinsic value of the judicial justice, including the justice of substantive law and the justice of procedure law. 法律的正义性是司法正义的内在价值,既包括实体法的正义性,也包括程序法的正义性。
There is still some room for the intrinsic procedure and administrative measures of enterprises service to raise. 不论是企业内部的服务流程,还是服务管理的举措等诸多方面,都还存在着有待优化的空间。
The procedure instrumentalism only observed the procedure external value, but the procedure itself has intrinsic superior quality, it should be the goal to trial procedure, not only the means. 程序工具主义理论仅看到了程序的外在价值,而程序本身具有不依赖于实体结果的内在优秀品质,这是程序的内在价值,它本身也是审判工作要实现的目标,而不只是手段。